Consultancy for Fast Tracking the Achievement of the Human Right to Water in Sanitation in Zambia – SNV Netherlands Development Organization

2 months ago

Job Description


SNV Netherlands Development


SNV is a not-for-profit international development organisation that makes a lasting difference in the lives of people living in poverty by helping them raise incomes and access basic services. We aim for premium quality and focus on only three sectors: agriculture, energy and water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH). With a long-term, local presence in over 25 countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America, we know how governments work and how relationships are built. Implementing our mission exclusively through project financing requires us to work efficiently and invest in operational excellence every day. Our team of more than 1,300 staff is the backbone of SNV.

Established in Zambia in 1965, SNV is one of Zambia’s leading INGOs and works with locally based development partners including national and local government, civil society organisations and businesses to develop the capacities of local communities and alleviate poverty.  For more information, please refer to our website:


The Water Voices United project

SNV Zambia is implementing in partnership with the NGO WASH Forum a European Union funded project that seeks to strengthen WASH civil society organizations (CSOs) capacities and cooperation for the realization of the Human Right to Water and Sanitation in Zambia. The project, named Water Voices United, aims to strengthen Zambia’s WASH CSOs engagement as actors of good governance and development through the improvement of their internal management systems, through the development of their capacities to engage in policy dialogue, implementation and monitoring of EU and national development plans and programmes, and through their improved coordination and networking.

Job Description

Consultancy scope of work

While Zambia’s Bill of Rights enshrined in part three of the amended Constitution (2016), protects citizens from rights violations by the State and others, it focuses on civil and political freedoms. However, there’s another category of rights: economic, social, and cultural rights guaranteed by the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), which Zambia ratified since 1991. Through it, Zambia recognized access to all aspects of environmental hygiene as a basic right. This commitment was advanced in 2010, when the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution on the human right to water and sanitation. This resolution is part of binding international human rights law, meaning that the Zambian Government is required to progressively realize it.

Furthermore, Zambia’s 2030 Vision states the ambition of “providing secure access to safe potable water sources and to improved sanitation facilities to 100 percent of the population in both urban and rural areas” by 2030. To realize this objective and therefore effectively realize the Human Right to Water and Sanitation for all Zambians, the Government of Zambia (GRZ) has developed a number of strategic documents (policies, programmes and regulations), has issued Presidential directives (eg. making water borne toilets and piped water schemes mandatory in all institutions), and has sought to increase investment in the water and sanitation sector (eg. through the establishment of the Zambian Water Investment Programme). A number of Cooperating Partners have also been consistently supporting GRZ at national and subnational level with funding, infra-structure construction and software initiatives. However, as of 2022, Zambia’s national access rate to basic water was at 68% and to improved sanitation at 36%, both rates being lower for rural areas when geographically disaggregated (JMP, 2023).

Therefore, Zambia is currently off track to achieve its 100% access to water and sanitation by 2030, with disparities between urban/rural and different vulnerable groups further threatening equity ambitions. To accelerate progress and to ensure no one is left behind, it is necessary to address existing challenges and seize new opportunities. The “Fast Tracking the Achievement of the Human Right to Water and Sanitation in Zambia” sets out to critically identify the constraints that prevent Zambia from realizing the 100% WASH access target timely and to provide a set of actionable recommendations to strategically speed up progress.

Objective of the Consultancy

The general objective of this consultancy is to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the opportunities and constraints that exist in fast tracking Zambia’s achievement of the human right to water and sanitation. Based on the findings, it is expected that a set of realistic, actionable recommendations (including an evidence based national advocacy agenda) are provided. Both the analysis and the actionable recommendations are to highlight issues pertaining to Gender and Social Inclusion (GESI) and Climate Change in a cross-cutting manner.

The specific objectives of this consultancy are:

Assess the current state of access to water and sanitation in Zambia, considering equity, inclusion and climate change and identify reasons for advancements and bottlenecks also in view of regional disparities and social and environmental vulnerabilities
Evaluate the current levels of investment and investment strategies for WASH in country and identify bottlenecks and opportunities for more efficient, effective and equitable investment
Identify legal, policy, and institutional frameworks relevant to the human right to water and sanitation in Zambia and point out gaps and opportunities to advance it
Analyse the strengths and weaknesses of current programmatic approaches to water and sanitation service delivery in relation to sustainability, scale, efficiency, effectiveness, inclusion and climate change resilience
Based on the findings, propose actionable recommendations to fast track progress (the game changers) towards the human right to water and sanitation, including innovative financing mechanisms, improved service delivery models, and capacity building initiatives (this list is not exhaustive)
Propose an evidence-based national advocacy agenda to promote the human right to water and sanitation in Zambia, with a specific focus on leaving no one behind and on climate change resilience
A high level assessment of the Human Right to a Healthy, Clean and Sustainable Environment in Zambia

Scope of work

The consultant will undertake the following tasks:

Conduct a comprehensive desk review of relevant national and international data, statistics including disaggregated data by location, socioeconomic status, gender, climate vulnerabilities and other relevant factors), and of studies, legislation, policies, and strategies related to water and sanitation
Consult with a wide range of stakeholders, including government officials, civil society organizations, international cooperating partners, service providers, and community representatives
Conduct field visits to selected communities to gain firsthand experience of the challenges and opportunities related to water and sanitation access.
Analyse the findings and develop a comprehensive report that responds to the general objective and specific objectives stated above
Prepare and present the findings and recommendations to relevant stakeholders, through a validation, public dissemination event

Consultancy deliverables

Inception report outlining the methodology and workplan
Research tools
Draft report that includes evidence based actionable recommendations and a national advocacy agenda to fast track the realization of the human right to water and sanitation in Zambia
Presentation slides summarizing highlights of the report for the public stakeholder consultation
Final report that reflects the inputs of the stakeholder consultation


Candidate/team of candidates profile

Masters degree in the WASH field (minimum)
At least 10 years of relevant WASH experience
Proven experience of research, research methodologies and tools, and data analysis
Knowledge of the WASH sector status in Zambia, key policies, legislation and programmes and of the key stakeholders in the sector in Zambia
Proven experience in conducting similar WASH assignments, that also include actionable recommendations
Demonstrated expertise in Gender and Social Inclusion and on Climate Change issues
Experience working in Zambia is highly desirable but not essential

Documents to be submitted as part of the Consultants application:

Bidder Profile Document summarizing the bidder’s background, qualifications and experience
If a team of individuals/consultancy firm, all the CVs of the proposed individuals by the firm to work on the assignment
Technical ProposalThe Technical Proposal should include but not limited to the following (3 pages max, 9 point Verdana font):Interpretation of the objectives of the assignment from consultant’s perspective
Proposed methodology to produce the deliverables
Approach to showcase inclusion of vulnerable groups and of climate change    vulnerabilities
Tentative timeline for the production of the deliverables and number of days for each
Financial Proposal

The financial proposal shall indicate total budget estimated in USD for international consultants and ZMW for national consultants and present the detailed breakdown of budget items namely daily fee rate (and include other costs, if arguably required to deliver the assignment)

Past Performance

Include three references related to similar assignments within the past five years (max), attaching contact details and evidence of the work produced

Mandatory Requirements

For Zambian national individual consultants: copies of Tax Registration certificate and the most recent tax clearance certificate.

For a firm registration document: Business license/Certificate of Registration for all, Tax Registration, Current Tax Clearance Certificate and VAT if applicable

Mandatory Requirements

For Zambian national individual consultants: copies of Tax Registration certificate and the Valid tax clearance certificate.

For a firm registration document: Business license/Certificate of Registration for all.

Bank detail on a bank letter head

Detailed specifications and requirements are well stated in the RFP which can be found on this link:

Additional Information


Consultancy is estimated to last 35 days, counting from the day the contract with the selected consultant is signed.

Duty station: N/A but consultations with key stakeholders for preparation of the documents and for their feedback are to take place face to face in Lusaka. It is also expected that the consultant undertakes a small number of community level consultations in country

Application Criteria:

Only electronic submissions will be accepted.

Terms of submission

Please submit the above listed in five (5) packages of documents to  by one email with the subject line Fast Tracking the Human Right to WASH in Zambia by 08:00AM on May 18th 2024.
For any clarifications, contact
Failure to provide a full package of documents listed above them will result in disqualification of the whole bid. Only Shortlisted Candidates will be contacted.

Failure to provide a full package of documents listed above them will result in disqualification of the whole bid. Only Shortlisted Candidates will be contacted.

Note: SNV Zambia may request for necessary and/or more information during the evaluation. SNV will only contact the successful bidder (s) within the period of 2 weeks from the closing date of submission.

We do not appreciate third-party mediation based on this advertisement. Any form of solicitation by phone or other means will be treated as disqualification of the candidate / bidder.
